2007 Annual Report
2006 - 2007
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, Virginia 22151
Phone 703-321-8585
Fax 703-321-8408
GOF wins important victory at the Supreme Court
As judges sending defendants to jail for violating unconstitutional laws …
Gun Owners Foundation Taking on Zero Tolerance in Schools
Supporting Jared Marcum against overzealous prosecutor
Jared Marcum wore a T-shirt to his Logan County middle school in West Virginia on April 18, 2013 — a decision that has since sparked a national controversy.
No, Jared’s T-shirt did not depict a Muslim beheading a victim while shouting Alahu Akhbar! Such depictions of violence would violate the school’s dress code.
Jared’s T-shirt depicted a hunting rifle with the message: “Protect Your Right.” And now, he faces up to a year in jail for doing so!
GOF Opposes HHS Regs Waiving HIPAA Privacy Protections
Click here to read GOF’s opposition to the Obama Administration waiver of privacy rules to bar injured veterans from owning firearms.
Shortly after the Newtown, Connecticut shooting, the Obama Administration announced 23 executive actions that it would take to further restrict gun ownership. GOF is working to oppose those anti-gun actions, including one now being proposed by the Obama Administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
ATF on NFA Weapons
Gun Owners Foundation (along with GOA) submitted comments to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (“ATF”) opposing an ATF Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
ATF’s proposed rule PR would change the requirements for applications to make or transfer certain National Firearms Act firearms and devices. Many Chief Law Enforcement Officers (or CLEOs) are opposed to an armed citizenry and, for that reason alone, simply refuse to sign NFA paperwork for any persons in their jurisdiction.
Amicus Brief in the United States Supreme Court
Raymond Woollard, et al. v. Denis Gallagher, et al.
August 12, 2013
Amicus Brief in the United States Supreme Court
On August 12, 2013, Gun Owners Foundation filed an amicus brief in the United States Supreme Court in Woollard v. Gallagher in support of a petition asking the Court to strike down Maryland’s ban on the carrying of handguns by ordinary citizens unless they first demonstrate a “good and substantial reason” to law enforcement.